Friday, April 3, 2015

the difference between tattooed people and non tattooed people

The next couple posts are going to be about the stories behind my two tattoos. They have a part in my story post-Rwanda. Before I post those, I would like to politely post a couple rants.

Tattoos tell stories. They could be stories about how the tattoo was intentional or not intentional. They could be stories about the most important things in a person's life or could be a mere description of something that a person really likes. They could be stories of scars, battles, heartbreak, or loss. They could be stories of celebration or promises. They could be stories of those gone or those born. They could be stories of beliefs that a person bases their life on. Stories, stories, stories. They're almost like a look into the soul.

Tattoos are also prone to judgmental questions and statements. Things like, "Did you think about what it will look like when you're old?" "It wont mean anything to you later." Yes, I thought about what it will look like when I'm old. Sure, wrinkles might effect mine, but, to be blunt, I'm going to look like one bad ass grandma. And, yes, they will mean something to me even in 50 years. My motto with getting tattoos is no ink without meaning. I chose my tattoos because they are things that will never grow old.

So, next time you see someone with tattoos, consider asking them about their stories rather than mumble under your breath how classless they look and how trashy that person must be.

"The difference between tattooed people and non tattooed people is that tattooed people don't care that non tattooed people aren't tattooed."

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