Thursday, December 23, 2010


Today and yesterday have been good days of reflection of the semester and of the year. I was able to catch up with a lot of friends that I haven't seen in months and it was so exciting telling them all about what God's been doing not only in my life, but also at VT and in others' hearts around me. There have been COUNTLESS lessons, a lot of healing, a lot of stretching and growth, and many discoveries about God’s character. As I get ready to go to Uganda, there is one aspect of His character that has blown me away in the preparation process: His FAITHFULNESS. Oh boy, I could write a novel about how God has been so faithful and abundant in His provision of financial and prayer support. One story (one that I will probably tell my kids one day) I will leave you with: Sometime in September/October I reached a brick wall in financial support. I had received a steady flow over the summer, but then it came to a sudden halt.  A deadline was approaching, so I started to doubt.  One morning during my quiet time I gave it all over to God and told Him that I trusted Him for His provision.  I also prayed for Him to knock my socks off that day.  I come back to my apartment after classes to find a package from a friend back home.  It had some books that she had told me she was going to send me, but it also had an envelope.  I open it…a check for Uganda for $1675, $200 of which was from friends of this friend. I screamed, I cried, I skipped, I cried some more; God knocked my socks off for sure and He showed me His faithfulness in His promised provision.  Goodness, I had never felt tinier compared to this huge and awesome God. 

He has been faithful in bringing the team together for the trip, a team that barely knows one another.  He has been faithful in showering us with His abundant provision of support from family and friends and our brothers and sisters at VT.  He has been faithful in helping us sell tshirts. He has been faithful in helping us to collect Bibles, toothbrushes, and other things we will be taking to the street kids over there. He has been faithful in planning the logistics of the trip. The list goes on. Point is, He is so good and His faithfulness never fails :) His provision has been so magnificent that we can’t help but anticipate HUGE things happening in Uganda.

I’ve been researching the places we could be potentially be working at and I’m warning you now, don’t be surprised if I don’t want to come back. And if I’m forced to come back (which is likely since I’m registered for classes in the spring haha), don’t be surprised if I bring like 15 Ugandan children back with me. I can’t wait to hug these kids. I can’t wait to love on them. I can’t wait to tell them how much the God of the universe delights in them and how valuable they are to Him. 

5 days.

Make me Your hands and feet God!

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