Saturday, June 25, 2011

a season of pruning

I'm still trying to figure out how to put the past 9 days into words. All I have are fragments of thoughts running through my head about how to describe this past term and all that God taught me about Himself and about myself. What I mostly learned about myself was about my weaknesses and how sinful I am. God pinpointed how impatient I am (even though I thought I was pretty patient), how conceited and prideful I am, how selfish I am, and just how inadequate I am on my own. One of the leadership guy's wife told us a story about a conversation she had with her pastor and she had said: "I can't do this, I'm so inadequate!" And instead of the pastor being sympathetic and soothing, he said: "yes, yes you are, let me pray for you." That story has been replaying over and over again in my head. Indeed I am inadequate and can do nothing on my own (John 15:5). Before the term started (and even now as a new term is about to start) I was so worried about not being adequate enough or "in the right place" to lead a cabin of 11 girls; I didn't feel ready or prepared. Then I remembered that story and realized, ha, yeah, I really am inadequate and not prepared. Good thing I've got Jesus! But really, my flesh is so weak. I can't love on my own, I can't have energy on my own, I can't pour into girls on my own, I can't have patience on my own, I can do And I also learned what a true introvert I am. One of the things I value most (and desperately need in my daily life) is my alone time with God and when I can't have it, it's obvious that it affects my day. Yet another thing I must learn: not to be overly jealous about alone time and learn how to be alone in my heart even when everything around me is go go go. While it kind of stinks to have a buttload of sin and weakness hitting me in the face, I praise God for it. A true season of pruning. My human heart is ugly, but I give myself to Him to change and to make more holy for Himself.

The first term (Summer One) went well. There are 14 girls cabins and two counselors lead each cabin. I led cabin 13, who were sophomores in high school, with none other than my Bible study co-leader at VT and a compadre on my trip to Uganda, Michelle. God is hysterical. I'm pretty sure the girls thought we were insane, but I'll admit that I am. The girls themselves were hilarious and even though at times they could be typical, boy-crazy teenage girls, overall they were great. It was a great time of competition and fun. I also learned that I can't waterski to save my life. I've been assigned to teach it as an activity at camp, but ironically I've never been able to do it myself. Talk about more inadequacy.

So now I'm about to launch into First Term with cabin 4, a bunch of 7th graders. Slightly different than high schoolers, so we'll see what God has in store. I'll also be a Roman coach this term! For those who have no idea what this means, in a nutshell, there are two teams at camp, Romans and Galatians. The rivalry between these two teams is the same caliber rivalry as the famous VT-UVA rivalry, except Jesus is at the center. So these two teams compete in different sports and meets and earn points and obviously the team with the most points wins at the end of the term. Each team has 8 counselor coaches, 4 guys 4 girls, and I will be one of the 4 girls Roman coaches. Stay tuned for my next day off for pictures, you'll understand better then. In the meantime, I'm enjoying coffee, a real bathroom, real food, and using as much toilet paper as I want to and not have to worry about toilets clogging up. Enjoy the pictures!

The view from my cabin

Orientation cabin

Cabin 14 Opening Night, yup I'm in the cheese hat

Us and our girls

Saturday, June 4, 2011

t-minus 6 months

So what's on the horizon now? Come December I'm GRADUATING. Yes, I'm graduating in December and not next May. I was able to take enough summer classes to graduate a semester early and it saves me from paying another semester of tuition. In addition and an even greater praise, I'm graduating DEBT-FREE! God provided like crazy and I never had to take out a student loan. As for post-graduation plans, I'm praying about spending a year overseas starting next summer and then going to seminary for my master's. Until then, I will be an assistant softball coach at my high school where I will also hopefully have a long-term substitute teaching job. I've had the offer to be an assistant coach on the table for almost 3 years and after lots of prayer and confirmation I accepted it last week. I'm really excited to be a coach at my alma mater not only because of the ridiculous amount I love to coach, but also because I've seen what a mission field it is. God has already opened so many doors for me to share and be the light of Christ. It's a dark place in desperate need of His love. Another a bonus of being in NoVa next spring is the fact that I get to spend those 6-7 months at my home church, Grace Bible Church, who is indeed a family to me. So as you can tell, a whole new chapter of my life is coming and although it might be a tad bit terrifying, it is so exciting. While I'm going to miss being at VT terribly, I know it's a necessary ending; the next part of my adventure with God is just beginning.

In the meantime, the summer is still in front of me and this summer will be a summer unlike any of the others. I will be spending my summer surrounded by Christians, having a central focus on ministry, all the while not having to switch back and forth between parents' houses. Starting Monday through August 5th I will be a counselor at SUMMER'S BEST TWO WEEKS!!! SB2W (see video here) is a Christian sports camp located in Boswell, PA where I will spend my entire summer telling kids about Jesus and playing every sport you can think of. Um hello, besides Heaven itself, this is my PARADISE! I'm not entirely sure what to expect, but all I know is that this summer is going to be amazing. Papa has truly blessed me with this opportunity and He's confirmed over and over again that He wants me at SB2W this summer. I won't have my phone or computer but for a couple days every two weeks (and I'm really excited to be separated from technology) so stay tuned for updates then. I'm PUMPED! I can't wait to see what Papa will do with this summer. Be praying for the kids that I'll be leading and for lives and hearts to be changed, for the other counselors and staff, and that my own walk and relationship with God will be strengthened, renewed, and nourished. See ya at the other end of summer!